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Webhooks provide asynchronous notifications from the PublicSquare platform to your system. These are important for events around onboarding, connections, and settlements where an event may happen in the PublicSquare platform and your system needs to be notified so it can take action.

Webhook Request

Every webhook notification will contain an Event as the body of the request.

Webhook example
"id": "evnt_5jxWRFNLCAWeegrkCAG3a9DGc",
"account_id": "acc_B518niGwGYKzig6vtrRVZGGGV",
"environment": "production",
"event_type": "connection:update",
"entity_type": "connection",
"entity_id": "conn_73t7igFxDZvN9hypi7yoPwbxy",
"entity": {
"id": "conn_73t7igFxDZvN9hypi7yoPwbxy",
"merchant_account_id": "acc_B518niGwGYKzig6vtrRVZGGGV",
"merchant_account_name": "Test Company, LLC",
"seller_account_id": "acc_8ooQs32UCdriBvrHnVWbTmJbY",
"seller_account_name": "Widgets Co",
"status": "verified",
"created_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z",
"modified_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z"
"created_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z"

The key parts of the webhook request are:

idThis is the ID of the event and can be used to retrieve the event by ID.
environmentThe account environment where the event was triggered.
event_typeThis is the event in the PublicSquare platform that triggered the webhook notification.
entity_idThe ID for the entity.
entity_typeThe entity type.
entityThe current instance of the entity at the time of the notification.

Event Types

PublicSquare publishes several events which can be subscribed to via webhooks:

Event TypeDescription
connection:updateThis event publishes a Connection entity when a seller invitation is accepted, a seller completes onboarding, or when a seller's onboarding has been approved.
connection:deleteThis event publishes a Connection entity with a removed status when a seller or merchant removes the connection.
connection-invitation:acceptThis event publishes a Connection Invitation entity when a seller accepts the invitation.
onboarding:merchant:updateThis event publishes the Account entity when the merchant onboarding status changes.
onboarding:seller:updateThis event publishes the Account entity when the seller onboarding status changes.
PublicSquare always publishes the current instance of the entity in the webhook notification.

Notification Delivery Attempts

PublicSquare will attempt to deliver a notification once an hour, for up to 24 hours. PublicSquare requires a 2XX status code response from the registered endpoint to mark the webhook notification as being successfully delivered.

When the webhook notification has been successfully delivered, PublicSquare will mark the Webhook Event status as delivered. If the number of delivery attempts has been exhausted, the Webhook Event will be marked as failed.

Webhook Events can be viewed from the Webhook page in the PublicSquare Portal or cam be retrieved from the API for the Webhook.

The Webhook Event will contain information about the last delivery attempt:

"id": "whe_2S8RsJECwUKHGbfL2AAaDM2AW",
"event_id": "evnt_5jxWRFNLCAWeegrkCAG3a9DGc",
"webhook_id": "wbhk_BcA4TAFibe9UHgkY6pEjxzrya",
"account_id": "acc_B518niGwGYKzig6vtrRVZGGGV",
"environment": "production",
"event_type": "connection:update",
"last_delivery_attempt": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z",
"delivery_attempts": 2,
"status": "delivered",
"response_status_code": 200,
"request": {
"id": "conn_73t7igFxDZvN9hypi7yoPwbxy",
"merchant_account_id": "acc_B518niGwGYKzig6vtrRVZGGGV",
"merchant_account_name": "Test Company, LLC",
"seller_account_id": "acc_8ooQs32UCdriBvrHnVWbTmJbY",
"seller_account_name": "Widgets Co",
"status": "verified",
"created_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z",
"modified_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z"
"response": {
"success": true
"created_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z"

This will show the raw request made and the response received (if any) as well as the status code.

Verifying the Notification

Every webhook notification will contain a X-SIGNATURE header which will be a signed HMAC signature of the request body.

In order to verify the signature, you will need to get the key from your Webhook:

"id": "wbhk_BcA4TAFibe9UHgkY6pEjxzrya",
"account_id": "acc_B518niGwGYKzig6vtrRVZGGGV",
"environment": "production",
"created_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z",
"modified_at": "2024-06-30T01:02:29.212Z",
"url": "",
"event_types": [

Using this key, we verify the signature passed by PublicSquare:

// Gets the signature from the request header
var signature = request.Headers["X-SIGNATURE"].First();

// Create an RSA instance and import the Webhook Key
using var rsa = RSA.Create();
rsa.ImportRSAPublicKey(Convert.FromBase64String(webhook.key), out _);

// Use SHA256 as the hashing aigorithm
var rsaFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(rsa);

// Generate a SHA256 hash of the Webhook request body
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestBody);
var hash = SHA256.HashData(data);

// Verify the signature from the RSA key
var verified = rsaFormatter.VerifySignature(hash, Convert.FromBase64String(signature));